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Amazing triangle UFO sighting filmed over Enfield UK – 2016
Possible TR-3B footage recorded over Enfield UK - 2016
UFO sighting filmed in Australia – November 2016
An interesting sky orb filmed at 19:30 hrs from a distance estimated to be at least 20km away.
Cylinder UFO Following Space Station, March 2016
Cylinder UFO Following Space Station, March 2016
Giant UFO Filmed Over East Coast – 1/4/2016
Video footage of an unknown craft hovering above the East Coast
UFO over Bettendorf, Iowa – 2016
Pulsating sphere no noise over the Mississippi river.
UFO sighting in New hampshire – Sept. 26 2015
Pittaro spotted the so-called UFOs just above the skyline near the Steeplegate Mall in Concord, NH, on Monday.
UFO Sightings in Palos Verdes, California – April 4, 2016
April 4, 2016: Several bright lights fly in strange patterns above the Terrenea Resort in Palos Verdes, South of Los Angeles.
UFO Sighting Filmed over St Petersburg, Russia – 2016
Interesting footage of multiple unknown lights in triangle formation hovering over St Petersburg, Russia.
UFO lights filmed over Charlotte, North Carolina – 15th October 2016
UFOs over La Meridian Hotel in Charlotte NC.