Browsing Category
UFO 2014
UFO Lights In Triangle Formation Filmed In Mumbai, India – 10th Jan 2014
Interesting footage of three unknown lights in triangle formation flying over India.
UFO sighting filmed in Chile – 17th December 2014
Video footage of unknown lights hovering over Chile
Best UFO sightings filmed in January 2014
In this Best UFO video compilation, we present a collection of original UFO videos filmed in January 2014.
Mulitple UFO Sighting Over L.A. – June 2014
Mulitple UFOs filmed Over L.A. Captured In HD!
UFO Sighting Filmed In Arizona – 2014
Unknown object filmed in the sky above Arizona
UFO Sighting Filmed Over Hong Kong – September 27th 2014
Interesting footage of multiple unknown lights hovering above Hong Kong.
UFO Footage Filmed In Mexico – September 9th 2009
September 9th UFO sighting in Mexico 09-09-09. Really good footage.
UFO sighting filmed near Jets over California – April 2014
In this UFO video a Cigar Shaped UFO appears while someone was filming Jets flying around at an Airshow in California.
Best UFO Sighting From January 2014
Video compilation of the best UFO sightings filmed in January 2014